Thursday 30 January 2014

5 Broken Cameras: The Palestinian Stuggle

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has always been a complicated affair and highlights the impact of borders. In most regions of the world borders have been set since colonial times though conflict over their geographical position is common. Chechnya, Kashmir and the Kurdish regions are prime examples.

‘5 Broken Cameras’ tells the story of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the village of Bil’in and their futile struggle. Often what occurs in the Gaza strip is not ‘news worthy’ in our countries as it is so frequent but a quick search will bring up localised news articles from only two days ago which cite evictions, destruction of Arab properties and Palestinian deaths at the hands of Israeli troops.

The documentary follows the lives of notable activists in the region and is grounded in the birth and childhood of Emad’ son, Gibreel. It asks questions about the conflict, Palestinian struggle and hope.

It is worth a watch, has won a number of awards and despite a disheartening ending it will challenge your understanding of the current conflict.

(It is on Netflix so you do not have to buy it!)

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