Monday 30 December 2013

Giving Keys and Giving Meaning.

Aid often gets less attention when surrounded by so much conflict. Honestly, we live in a world where bad news is good news. When talking to a friend we said that perhaps the news should feature one good story in every news showing, a bit like Russell Howard's aptly titled show 'Good News'?  The purpose would be to give us something uplifting; encourage us to work for the safety and security of others in our local community. As these storms rage outside I cannot help but think of the plight of the homeless throughout the United Kingdom.

So, I thought I would offer an example I stumbled across of some good news in the middle of all this violence. Some may of heard of them, but it is new(s) to me.

Giving Keys, a business set up by Caitlin Crosby, employs homeless people to hammer words such as HOPE, COURAGE and LOVE onto old keys. People love them and this success has enabled the homeless people employed to earn a living and to reach their true potential.

Below is a video that explains it all (skip to 2.50 to hear about how it started).

Now, I am a natural pessimist and will, if given enough time, find a flaw in everything. It is not a bad trait if used constructively (that is what I keep telling myself). Similarly, being too optimistic can be dangerous when the plans do not go quite to plan.

So I would point out that Crosby is from a privileged background. With powerful friends setting up a business was easier as once one celebrity was doing it, everyone would.

However, there is nothing wrong with using our uncontrollable background to help those who are less fortunate. At least she took a step out there and approached someone she did not know.

The reason I'm posting this article is to encourage us to all think about those in our own country who are homeless this Christmas. Sometimes we are too centered on the international stage and forget those suffering in our local community. The recession is still being felt and its time we move beyond the cost of goods and think of the worth of goods. Giving presents is about the meaning not the cost.

Do something you mean this festive season, approach someone who is suffering and raise awareness about an issue close to you.

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